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A wide range of PVC Free wallcovering and textile options

The ideal blend of aesthetics, functionality, performance, and PVC-free sustainability.

PVC free wallcovering & textiles

Everyone has a different viewpoint of what makes a product right for each application. And that's why having a wide range of textile and wallcovering options is important. It's all a balance between aesthetics, functionality, performance and sustainability.

PVC free type II wallcovering

Wallcovering that is phthalate free, produced from recycled content, bleach cleanable and highly durable.

PVC free wallcovering

Our PVC free wallcoverings meet or exceed most Type II requirements and are low VOC and are made with thermoplastic olefin (TPO) or a cellulose/polyester blend.

PVC free textiles - Silica

Embraced by the industry as the gold standard for coated fabrics, our award-winning Silica textiles are the most sustainable, highest performing, PVC free alternative. This game changing product is produced from three simple components: silicone, a colorant and a polyester backing.

PVC free textiles ~ polyurethane & EPU

We offer PVC free polyurethane textiles and our Endurance EPU™, which are the most sustainable, highest-performing polyurethanes available in the market today.